Thursday, August 16, 2012 August!

Whups. I totally failed at that whole "I'm going to start posting my pics and my progress starting August 1!!!" thing. My bad.

Moving is hard, y'all. I left a job I loved and so many of my friends to move to North Carolina with my husband and it's just kind of been difficult. I don't have a job yet, I don't have any friends to just call and hang out with yet, and Brian is starting to get sick of me being around all the time. I need a life! 

I'm still kind of training for the Half Marathon in San Francisco, but I'm worried I won't make my goal of $3,200 and I'm going to need to back down to the Raleigh City of Oaks Half Marathon instead. That's fine, of course, but the San Francisco marathon is devoted to helping the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society so the experience would be so much more rewarding! I just can't afford to pay 2k out of my pocket right now!

I think knowing that I don't have the fundraising for the San Francisco 1/2 and then generally being bummed because I don't have a job and friends in the area etc is really setting me back on this whole training/eating well/doing what I need to do to not be a fatty, thing. Happy me = Healthy me. I gotta get happy!

I'm back to where I started when I started this blog. Or pretty close. I'm at 215 again and I'm not happy.

Moving to North Carolina was stressful! We ate crap for 2 weeks before we moved and we've been eating crap ever since. I've been trying to bring us back to eating healthy food, but it's just not exactly working. I need to get my butt in gear.

 THIS ISN'T PRETTY. I don't suggest looking at these pictures. Seriously.

This one doesn't want to rotate...but trust me. Not a good visual.

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